Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Journey…..

Far behind the bay of horizons,
While delivering her high performance
Coincidently I got a conversation,
And further she invited me to share......
Her words were having sparkles of vivacity,
Streaks of anxiety, added with dash of reliability,
Her company was really ecstatic & made me blush,
Felt as if butterflies fluttering in my stomach
First with her having a little acquaintance,
Now with the passage of time I shared many,
And now she is really close to my heart,
Rarely I will find like her any.
But by faint oblivions of betrays & pain,
My soul was scared, to fall in this snare or refrain....
Everything was blurred & grey in dismay,
My emotions, seemed loosing their way.
I failed to convey what I want to say,
& Silence is what I have to obey.
Lost in this entangled & puzzled maze,
Its the anonymous mind which she wants to trace,
Its useless, still Hope lurking for space,
& her soul keeps giving me a pure solace.
Comprehending a placid state
Before eyes, words met
A time so fulfilling,
A feeling so overwhelming,
A promise so enchanting,
A band so everlasting.....
Don’t know if u feel anything.....or probably by attraction u r mortified,
But it is certain, something is there…if only sweet dreams to remember you by….for long with which we bide.