Monday, November 26, 2007

Current Transform_errs

To err is human, and we, The Transform_errs ( no we are not a rock band or aliens), are just humans who spend few years of our lives doing the same at The Department of Electrical Engineering @ IIT Kharagpur.
Jokes apart, this is the place where our alumni have spent some really wonderful years, and the place where the current transform_errs are erring. As the new year 2008 draws near, the Electrical Engineering Society is gearing up to bring out the latest edition of Power, the department magazine. This blog is dedicated to the service of the Power ( :P ).
With the request to all those writers out there to contribute by writing down their thoughts and experiences here,
We are,
The Electrical Engineering Society.


SK said...


Nice initiate this. Keep up the good work, and let me know when are you planning to come out with the issue. Also, whats the last date for sending the articles?

Mail me at

~ Suneet
~ Class of 2005

Transform_errs said...

We plan to come up with the issue in March '08. So you can send in your entries by 1st week of March. You can also directly paste articles from your blog which you'd like to contribute for the magazine.
G.Sec, EE Society