Monday, February 11, 2008

A solitary reaper

Sleepless nights
Dreamless eyes
Sobs unheard
A spirit cries,
My being is ached, my soul is wretched;
Pierced all through with a burning sword;
Am lost in the dark maze;
My shadow even, betrayed….
A numb soul,
That fears the crowd,
Serene , the face
Screaming aloud
Countless depressions, endless deprivations
Eyes keep shading, unable I am to cease them,
No hands to wipe my fear, no body to succour,
Roof over the head has blown,so has my shelter,my den…..
Hope struggling for space
Life comes to a halt
Belief leaves no trace…
How to escape the loads of guilt,
How to trigger the revival of pain,
How do I stand for myself,
How to honour my being again???
Countless questions still unanswered,
Countless pictures ,still blurred;
But my solitary gives me pure solace
And I keep walking this oblivion’s maze;
Waiting forever for those halcyon days;
Waiting…. And reaping these solitary ways..
Just me,
me and my solitary!!
---C V Rohan

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