Monday, February 11, 2008

The Sum of Life : Pi

There was once this little girl who wished she could buy all the stars in the dark blue sky. It was a belief really. A desire to accomplish something, which usually propels the minds of men to churn out their best creativity and latent talents.

She learned to walk. Walk on the grand road of life. A trifle bruise and a petty cut here and there, and up again she was. She gradually grew up into a beautiful warrior princess, pure at heart and soul, searching for her treasures. She joined the mecca of learning, where she hoped she could build ladders and bridges to the thing which her heart desired. This is where this small story starts.

Pi, was her name. She made new friends at the mecca, or so it seemed. Pi was good at dancing and sports. She was also a talented disciple. And to top it all she was as beautiful as an early morning rose. Naturally, a lot of people started noticing her: teachers, students and everyone at the Mecca. Some were so impressed, they became her fans. Silent observers of the events in which their role model was the central character. Even a small smile of hers onto one of these fans, would fill their timid hearts with joy. Well wishers, I believe. A small section, I suppose.

Others, for some reason had a different opinion. They felt her to be extremely annoying. They had conveniently categorized her as a vixen. How rude. She was helpless. The consequences of envy are hard to sustain. Less people started talking to her. They started overlooking and avoiding her. Her presence was always felt, albeit with wrong vibes. She had comitted a sin. By aspiring to things and achieveing them partially. By being beautiful she had won the enemities of her own sistern.

An achievement. A glory. It changes life for ever. She knew that. She sensed not many people were acting normal towards her. It was not good. She vowed not to succumb to this malady. She would wear a bright smile at all times and cut ice as much as possible.

Attempts. Vain. Futile. And as each day passed, Pi was getting dejected more than ever. Until now, she was able to put up a smile in front of the ‘people’ even though she knew of their ‘indifference’. But slowly, the courage and the resolve were withering. And it was visible. Her usually bright face had become as dull as a fading primrose.

What had happened? A second contemplation reveals that the people of Mecca were not happy with Pi’s success. This unhappiness ultimately took a toll on Pi. A huge one. Her soul lost its vigor. Mecca had destroyed her from the within. She was empty now. Void. Waiting for the time when she’ll run away from the Mecca, as a free bird and resume her journey.

Pi’s life at the Mecca is something worth thinking about. It’s not so much of a drama. The story is bleak. But the message it carries is a rather disconcerting one. Each individual’s potential gets clipped and personality moulded in the hands of the group she or he is in. And the only reason which causes this is the group’s resentment towards something extraordinary that it by itself could never conjure up. In other words, a person’s growth and aspirations are always incongruent with that of the group, not so much because the group doesn’t aim high or is a bad one. Its because of the envy and fear and false pride that’s born at the same time when a group is formed.

Lets leave philosophy. The author (Theja T) knows, he needs to put his ideas more clearly for a more meaningful reading. The author informs that Pi is still in the Mecca now. She’s working hard, so much like herself. Shes trying to smile. And the author wants to add one more thing : he too is in her fan club.


DISCLAIMER: Views expressed in this post are......etc etc.......

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